Stay Safe But Don’t Mask Your Dental Problems!

Dentistry at Dr C Jagadeesh’s Dental Clinic During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Changes in diet and lifestyle, coupled with delays due to the pandemic, may have aggravated your dental problems. Left unattended, these problems could lead to other health issues. In case of trauma; symptoms such as infection, pain, swelling, and continuous bleeding; or issues with fillings, broken teeth crowns, or implants, please take a dental appointment immediately.

Is the clinic safe?

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Yes. We give equal importance to the safety of the clinic personnel and our patients. All guidelines prescribed by the Indian Dental Council, Karnataka Dental Council, and the Indian Dental Association, as well as new updates issued by these agencies, are keenly followed. A few changes we have made:

  • Only urgent and emergency procedures, by appointment, at the clinic

  • Tele-consulting support and screening of patients to reduce visits

  • Regular training for staff in the latest scientific infection-control protocols

  • Temperature checks and personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff

  • Temperature screening and disposable PPE for patients on arrival

  • Social distancing and informative signage in the waiting area

  • Clutter-free clinics with periodic disinfection of all contact surfaces

  • Sustained air circulation with HEPA filters and extra intra-oral suction devices to decrease aerosols in the dental operatory

  • 15-minute gaps between patients to disinfect and re-apply safety measures

  • Doctors in full-body PPE suits with masks and eyewear

  • Disposable covering tape on sanitized equipment that is removed before procedures

  • Digital payments and online follow up

What can I do to be safer?

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First, make sure you are low- to no-risk for COVID infection. Then, do a teleconsult with us, by phone or video, to decide if a visit to the clinic is necessary. If yes,

  • Schedule the appointment. Get here on time and come alone. If a companion is necessary, ask them to wait outside the clinic.

  • Download the Arogya Setu app, if possible.

  • Carry minimal things; preferably just a phone, since payments will be digital.

  • Wear the provided mask properly at all times and remove only during a procedure.

  • Allow temperature and pulse readings to be taken using no-contact devices.

  • Use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance and, thereafter, avoid touching any surfaces.

  • Maintain the 6-feet social distancing in the waiting area.

How will the next clinic visit be different?

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For your next clinical appointment, you will be quizzed on your medical and travel history before the appointment is made. Have the necessary information ready.

When you arrive at the clinic, expect

  • Hand sanitation, using a safe foot-operated system, on entry

  • No-contact temperature check before self-donning of disposable shoe covers, head cap, and gloves

  • Heart rate and pulse check using an oximeter

  • Social distancing while waiting to see the doctor

  • Informative signage to increase awareness and compliance

  • Mouthwash to be given in the operatory, once you remove your mask

  • No spitting or use of the washroom for the duration of the procedure

  • Staff to direct you on how to dispose of your PPE

  • Use of hand sanitizer while leaving

I know I need the procedure but I am still scared.

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There are germs everywhere but strict and consistent safety protocols make some places as safe as your home. We will take every precaution to keep you and your family safe during this pandemic. If a clinical procedure is unavoidable, then you are in safe hands with our team.


Halitosis (Bad breath)