Non-surgical Periodontal Procedures at
Dr C Jagadeesh’s Dental Clinic
The fast way to healthy gums.
Non-surgical Ways to Prevent, Control, or Eliminate Gum Diseases
At our clinic, we believe in conservative treatment and opt for non-surgical treatments when possible.
Teeth Cleaning
Routine cleaning or oral prophylaxis is strongly recommended every 6 months even for people with no history of gum disease. This procedure removes the plaque and tartar between your teeth and from the gum line, which builds up even with regular brushing and flossing.
Patients that are consistent with their dental check-up and teeth cleaning are more likely to have healthy bone and gums and keep their natural teeth longer. We send timely reminders to our patients to make a hygiene appointment twice a year.
Routine teeth cleaning serves multiple purposes:
A professional cleaning of stains and tartar before it affects oral health
Allows us to check and maintain your fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, etc.
Prevention and early detection of periodontal and other oral problems
Enables your dentist to review or reinforce good oral hygiene techniques
Deep Cleaning
Deep cleaning or subgingival scaling is the process of removing calculus and plaque deposits from under the gum line using a fine-tipped scaling device.
Scaling and root planing or SRP is a non-surgical procedure used to remove calculus and plaque present below the gumline along with the smoothing of the root surface. SRP reduces plaque retention.
SRP with Curettage
This non-surgical procedure is used to not only remove calculus and plaque from below the gum line, but also to clean and smoothen the root surface and remove the inner lining of the diseased gum tissue.
SRP helps reduce plaque retention on the tooth and allows the healed and healthy gum tissue to firmly attach onto the tooth surface.
Laser Pocket Disinfection
Gum disease can cause detachment of the gum surface from the tooth, resulting in a gap or periodontal pocket. As plaque, tartar, and bacteria fill the pocket, it deepens and eventually the tooth root gets infected, followed by the tissue and bone. Ultimately, tooth loss is likely.
Our experienced periodontist will remove the causative agents like plaque and calculus with the help of ultrasonic scalers. Then the periodontal pocket is disinfected using laser light to kill microorganisms. These procedures will help the gum reattach on the tooth and protect it.